Our „DEYONGA G-litter“ kids with the wonderful Int.Multi Ch RAYRIDGE DAYO CAMARIYA- Redy ❤️❤️❤️.. rocked the rings in JUNIOR class at the age of 9 months ❤️❤️❤️!!! Fantastic … 🚀🚀🚀!!!
Here are the results :
04.06.2016, Kemerovo (Siberia, Russia)
All-Russian Dog Show „Kuzbass souvenir – 2016“, CAC
Judge: Elena Agafonova-Tripoli (Russia)
DEYONGA GIMBA THABITI (aka Gimba) – exl.1, CW, jСАС, jBOB, BOB, BEST IN GROUP-1 and BEST IN SHOW – 🍾🚀🍾 !!!!! Gimba got his first point for JUNIOR CH of Russia 👏💥👏!!! Adorable !!! WOW ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Handler & owner: Marina Corsakova
International Dog Show „De Baronie“ (Netherlands), CACIB
Judge: Dr. J. Wauben (NL)
DEYONGA GAKHIDZHI DZHU TO (aka Misha) – exl.2, rCW (in competition with 7 junior males in class)!! In strong competition 🚀👏🚀!!! WOW ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Handler & owner: Marike Geel
11.06.2016, Murom (Russia)
All-Russian Dog Show „Okskie dali – 2016“, CAC
Judge: Romanenkova E.V. (Russia)
DEYONGA GARRY GOODRIDGE (aka Garik) – exl.1, CW, jСАС, jBOB, BOB and BEST IN GROUP-2 🚀🚀🚀 !!!!! Garik got his first point for JUNIOR CH of Russia 🍾🎉🍾…In strong competition 😎😎😎!! WOW ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Handler: Maria Matveeva
Owner: Anna Buzunova
12.06.2016 , Moscow (Russia)
Judge: Nenad Matejevic (Serbia)
DEYONGA GAYA MONIFA (aka Bonya) – exl.1, CW, jCAC and BOS 🍾🎉🍾💥 !!!! Bonya got her first point for JUNIOR CH of Russia🎉🍾🎉🍾 !!! In strong competition 😎😎😎 !!! WOW ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Handler: Anastasia Kharitonova
Owner: Stella Titko
Congrats to all participants and winners 😘!!!
We are sooooo proud about our Russian and Netherlands family members !!!
Our DEYONGA kennel: www.deyonga.ru
Breeder: Elena Vargina

Zuka is pregnant also- I go crazy ❤️❤️❤️❤️ !!!!!
AllgemeinWhat for wonderful news again 😎🚀🍾👍- Zuka is pregnant from a artificial insemanination from Nelly- that is soooo wonderful for me ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Thank you Cindy for this fantastic news- I’m in heaven……. ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Please cross all fingers for a nice and healthy litter 🍀🍀🍀!!!
How wonderful- Mina is pregnant ❤️❤️❤️!!!
AllgemeinWe are sooo happy, that we can confirm Mina’s pregnancy❤️❤️❤️!!!
What a fantastic news from Thorsten and Bettina Scheibe- please cross all fingers for a healthy litter 🍀🍀🍀❤️❤️❤️!!!
More informations : http://www.ajamu.de
Cubi has won at the Specialitiy on the WORLD DOG SHOW 🚀🍾🎉🇷🇺!!!
Allgemein* WORLD DOG SHOW 2016 * Moscow, Russia
I‘ m still without any words….. JUNIOR BREED CHAMPION 2016…🏆🏆🏆!!!
Got the Soul by Luanda- it’s Cubi ❤️❤️❤️…
D.O.B. 02.03.2015
( Int.Multi CH Kadamo it’s Now or Never x Int.Multi CH Alexis Femme Fatale Luanda)
Breeder: Milada Krchnava
At the first day Cubi gained in a really strong competition with 19 very beautiful junior males an excellent from the judge Mr. Espen Engh from Norway and was with this result under the last 8 dogs…..
….., but…. at the second day………
Cuuuubi has won at the Speciality under the judge Mr. Mark Zaturinskiy from Kazakhstan BEST JUNIOR MALE and has also won the title…..
JUNIOR BREED CHAMPION 2016 ❤️❤️❤️ 🏆🏆🏆 !!!
We are sooo proud of our small Cubi boy ❤️❤️❤️ !!!
Thank you a thousand times, my beloved sister Anastasia Kharitonova, for your hospitility and your big win- we looove you 😘😘😘 !!!
And for sure my special thanks goes to our other russian sister Valeria Yurtaeva for her helping hands and the fantatsic pictures 😘😘😘!!!
Many congrats to all other participants and winners !!!
We have visited our Udako Babies ❤️❤️❤️!!!
AllgemeinIt is always amazing to observe how they growing up and getting really strong small „Lion Hunters“ ❤️❤️❤️!!!
How lovley to see every time, how nice it is when the new „Puppy Parents“ get their kids ❤️❤️❤️!!!
A very special time for a life will starts in a few days…… Just amazing- a dog will change everything …… ❤️❤️❤️….
Our big congrats to all new owners- Do everything for your dog and that will be the friendship of your life ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Here are some impressions of our visit ❤️❤️❤️….. Thank you again my beloved friend and Breeder Lea Kratzer for these stunning 13 😘😘😘!!! You did a fantastic job ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Special thanks to Marina Biene for doing these outstanding pics 😘😘😘 !!!
P.S. This wonderful young lady with the blond hair is my amazing daughter- Lina… beside my wife, the biggest Looove of my life ❤️❤️❤️….
Our small wonders from Sambesi Waters are 6 days old now ❤️❤️❤️!!!
AllgemeinSome new impressions of our L- Litter with Sambesi Waters ❤️❤️❤️!!!
More informations: www.sambesiwaters.de
Nelly’s kids with Redy- just woooooooow 🚀🍾💥❤️!!!
AllgemeinOur „DEYONGA G-litter“ kids with the wonderful Int.Multi Ch RAYRIDGE DAYO CAMARIYA- Redy ❤️❤️❤️.. rocked the rings in JUNIOR class at the age of 9 months ❤️❤️❤️!!! Fantastic … 🚀🚀🚀!!!
Here are the results :
04.06.2016, Kemerovo (Siberia, Russia)
All-Russian Dog Show „Kuzbass souvenir – 2016“, CAC
Judge: Elena Agafonova-Tripoli (Russia)
DEYONGA GIMBA THABITI (aka Gimba) – exl.1, CW, jСАС, jBOB, BOB, BEST IN GROUP-1 and BEST IN SHOW – 🍾🚀🍾 !!!!! Gimba got his first point for JUNIOR CH of Russia 👏💥👏!!! Adorable !!! WOW ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Handler & owner: Marina Corsakova
International Dog Show „De Baronie“ (Netherlands), CACIB
Judge: Dr. J. Wauben (NL)
DEYONGA GAKHIDZHI DZHU TO (aka Misha) – exl.2, rCW (in competition with 7 junior males in class)!! In strong competition 🚀👏🚀!!! WOW ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Handler & owner: Marike Geel
11.06.2016, Murom (Russia)
All-Russian Dog Show „Okskie dali – 2016“, CAC
Judge: Romanenkova E.V. (Russia)
DEYONGA GARRY GOODRIDGE (aka Garik) – exl.1, CW, jСАС, jBOB, BOB and BEST IN GROUP-2 🚀🚀🚀 !!!!! Garik got his first point for JUNIOR CH of Russia 🍾🎉🍾…In strong competition 😎😎😎!! WOW ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Handler: Maria Matveeva
Owner: Anna Buzunova
12.06.2016 , Moscow (Russia)
Judge: Nenad Matejevic (Serbia)
DEYONGA GAYA MONIFA (aka Bonya) – exl.1, CW, jCAC and BOS 🍾🎉🍾💥 !!!! Bonya got her first point for JUNIOR CH of Russia🎉🍾🎉🍾 !!! In strong competition 😎😎😎 !!! WOW ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Handler: Anastasia Kharitonova
Owner: Stella Titko
Congrats to all participants and winners 😘!!!
We are sooooo proud about our Russian and Netherlands family members !!!
Our DEYONGA kennel: www.deyonga.ru
Breeder: Elena Vargina
Yippiiiiih- the small Sambesi Waters are born ❤️❤️❤️!!!
AllgemeinWe very proudly present the L- Litter from our beloved friends Susi & Edgar from Sambesi Waters Kennel. 10 healthy puppies are born, 8 males and 2 females- all of them with a beatiful Ridge ❤️❤️❤️!!! Mother and the kids feeling great, we are very proud about this fantastic result😎🍾🚀!!!
More informations: www.sambesiwaters.de
What a show weekend in Groß Gerau 🏆🏆🏆 !!!
AllgemeinWhat a really hot and successful day for our KOKAYI boys with two wins at the Dogshow Groß Gerau CAC from Club ELSA 05.06.2016 🏆❤️🚀👍!!!
This time it was Cubi’s turn again 🏆🏆🏆!!!
Judge: Mrs Gerda Kastl
Nyangani Nelson Gently- Nelly ❤❤️❤️
D.O.B. 15.04.2013
Champion Class:
Exc. 1, CAC
Got the Soul by Luanda- Cubi ❤❤️❤️
D.O.B. 02.03.2015
(Int. Multi Ch Kadamo it’s Now or Never x Int. Multi Ch Alexis Femme Fatale Luanda)
Intermediate Class:
Exc. 1, CAC, BEST MALE 🏆🏆🏆 !!!
Thank you Milada Krchnava and Šárka Štusáková for our belooooved Cubi 😘❤️😘!!!
Many congrats to all winners and participants 👏👏👏!!!
Nelly’s daughter Bonya ❤️❤️❤️!!!!!!!!!
AllgemeinWow- we are soooo proud of our kids out of the fantastic litter with Int.Multi Ch Rayridge Dayo Camariya- aka Redy ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Deyonga Gaya Monifa- aka Bonya 😍😍😍
D.O.B. 21.08.2015
Breeder: Elena Vargina
Love is in the air…. Dinari will marry Nelly ❤️❤️❤️💥🚀👍!!!
AllgemeinA few month ago Jeannine Plüss from her Wakina Kennel in Switzerland has visited us the first time to have a look on our Nelly❤️. What can I say, it was just amazing to see how sympathetic we were all together👍❤️!!! For Dinari and Nelly it was also love at the first sight 😍…..
We had a very nice barbecue evening with a lot of fun together and after that we decided at the next Morning, that we really love her attidude about her life and dogs 👍!!!
We are very happy, that Jeannine has choosed Nelly for her first litter and we are very sure, that it will be a very promising combination ❤️❤️❤️!!!
More informations: www.wakina-dini.ch