Show news from IDS Luxembourg 27.03.2016
That was a quiet succesful weekend for our team ❤️❤️❤️…
Got the Soul by Luanda- it’s Cubi ❤️
D.O.B. 02.03.2015
Juniorclass, Judge Mrs. Lydia Kersbergen, 5 entries
Excellent 3
Nyangani Nelson Gently ❤️
D.O.B. 15.04.2013
Championclass, Judge Mrs. Lydia Kersbergen, 7 entries
Excellent 3
AND the winner was Nelly’s wonderful daughter from our litter with the fantastic Int.Multi Ch Rayridge Dayo Camariya- Redy 🚀💥❤️!!!
Deyonga Gandi Bokary- Kaya ❤️
D.O.B. 21.08.2015
Puppyclass, Judge Mrs. Lydia Kersbergen, Breeder Elena Vargina
Very promising 1, Best female puppy and selected for the final Ring 👍❤️🚀!!!
Valeria Yurtaeva and me are sooo proud of our small girl and many congrats goes to her owners Sven Herrendorf & Brigitte Carl 👏👏👏!!!
We were again and again so thankful for Anastasia Kharitonova amazing job…….we loooove you sister ❤️❤️❤️!!!
We had a really great time all together ❤️❤️❤️ !!!

We celebrate Nelly’s 3rd Birthday ❤️❤️❤️…
AllgemeinHappy Birthday Big Brownie- we loooove you ❤️❤️❤️ !!!!
UDAKO Welpentreffen- unser D Wurf ❤️❤️❤️….
AllgemeinLeider muss ich einerseits hierüber mit Wehmut berichten, andererseits mit großer Freude und Liebe…… Warum ???
Ich konnte nicht an diesem wahnsinnig tollen Familienereignis teilnehmen, weil ich mich auf der Rückreise von einer total verkorksten Ausstellung in der tiefsten Tschechei befand…. Hätte ich dies mal besser gelassen, denn das Bild von der tollen Fotorgrafin Marina Biene spricht Bände….
Wieder einmal muss ich fest stellen, dass meine inzwischen mehr als lieb gewonnene Freundin, Lea Kratzer, die Familienbanden zusammen hält und einen „Zuchtpartner“ dar stellt, der meine Emotionen berührt- ein außergewöhnlicher Mensch, den ich treffen durfte ❤️❤️❤️……Danke Freundin….!!!
Ich kann nur auf diesem Wege allen Welpeneltern danken, dass Sie unseren „kleinen“ Scheissern so ein tolles Leben ermöglichen !!! Einfach nur klasse …. Ihr seid die BESTEN ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Outstanding show news with Nelly’s son Misha❤️🍾🚀!!!
Allgemein09.04.2016 IDS Utrecht
I’m so fuck…. proud of my baby boy….❤️…
He has gained on this show with his owner Marike Best Puppy and was finally in the honor puppy ring… BOG 2 !!! What should I say…. Marike was sooo nervous about showing him the first time and she did a fantastic handling job…..
Huge congrats for that- Chapeau Marike ❤️❤️❤️!!!
My biggest thanks goes to Elena Vargina, his Breeder from Deyonga Kennel and his wonderful Mummy Int.Multi.Ch Rayridge Dayo Camariya- aka Redy from my beloved Russian sister Valeria Yurtaeva ❤️❤️❤️….
Small Nelly…. loooooove it !!!
Cubi’s x- ray results ❤️🚀👍!!!
AllgemeinGot the Soul by Luanda- it’s Cubi ❤️❤️❤️…
D.O.B. 02.03.2015
The official x- ray results…
HD A1 – OCD free – ED 0
We are soooooo happy and proud ❤️❤️❤️ !!!
IDS Luxembourg 27.03.2016 🚀💥🍾
AllgemeinShow news from IDS Luxembourg 27.03.2016
That was a quiet succesful weekend for our team ❤️❤️❤️…
Got the Soul by Luanda- it’s Cubi ❤️
D.O.B. 02.03.2015
Juniorclass, Judge Mrs. Lydia Kersbergen, 5 entries
Excellent 3
Nyangani Nelson Gently ❤️
D.O.B. 15.04.2013
Championclass, Judge Mrs. Lydia Kersbergen, 7 entries
Excellent 3
AND the winner was Nelly’s wonderful daughter from our litter with the fantastic Int.Multi Ch Rayridge Dayo Camariya- Redy 🚀💥❤️!!!
Deyonga Gandi Bokary- Kaya ❤️
D.O.B. 21.08.2015
Puppyclass, Judge Mrs. Lydia Kersbergen, Breeder Elena Vargina
Very promising 1, Best female puppy and selected for the final Ring 👍❤️🚀!!!
Valeria Yurtaeva and me are sooo proud of our small girl and many congrats goes to her owners Sven Herrendorf & Brigitte Carl 👏👏👏!!!
We were again and again so thankful for Anastasia Kharitonova amazing job…….we loooove you sister ❤️❤️❤️!!!
We had a really great time all together ❤️❤️❤️ !!!
We are pregnant ❤️❤️❤️ !!!
AllgemeinWhat for amazing news from our beloved friend Lea…..❤️❤️❤️
Soooooo happy !!!
more informations:
Wonderful news- Mina & Nelly will marry ❤️❤️❤️ !!!
AllgemeinWe proudly present our mating with the fantastic female from Bettina and Thorsten Scheibe from Ajamu Kennel. Ch Mina of Dao Puh Quoc is a very beautiful and succesful bitch- so it is also a big honor for us to breed with this dog from Dao Puh Quoc Kennel. Petra Stracke is a really beloved friend in our family and so it will be a really great connection with a very special meaning for us ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Thank you so much, Tina and Thorsten, for choosing our Big Brownie😘😘😘!!!
More informations under
Cubi… Best Junior of Breed again…🚀🍾🎉!!!
Allgemein12.03.2016 international Dog Show Offenburg
Wooooooow !!! We go crazy 💥💥💥!!!
Cubi gained in a strong Juniorclass with 7 entries a fantastic excellent 1 with a JCAC VDH, JCAC DZRR and has won after that BEST JUNIOR OF BREED under the judgement of Mrs. Karin van Klaveren. Now he is also Alps Junior Winner, Canditat of Junior Champion Alps and Ortenau Junior Winner.
We are sooo proud of our small baby boy ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Our special thanks goes to our new beloved team member Aneta Ehrenbergerova form the Czech Republic. She did a suuuuper job with showing Cubi- another Dreamteam is born ❤️!!! We have a fantastic time with Aneta and we will see her again veeeery soon !!! It looks like our family is getting bigger and bigger now… She will be welcome in our hearts…Thank you Anni 😘😘😘 !!!
What a Show deput for Nelly’s son- Misha ❤️❤️❤️!!!
AllgemeinDebut in Puppy-class for Misha!! WOW!
05.03.2016 Groningen „MARTINI DOG DHOW – 2016“
Judge: Mariëlle Tresoor
Deyonga Gakhidzhi Dzhu To (aka Misha) (d: INT MULTI CH Rayridge Dayo Camariya * s: CH Nyangani Nelson Gently), 6 month – very promissing.1, CW, BEST PUPPY MALE!!!!
Wow!!! He did it with Nevra Sonmez!!! <3
Many congrats to Misha’s beautiful owner Marike Geel! Thank you so much for your big love to our boy!!!!!!
Breeder: Elena Vagina, DEYONGA Kennel
Nelly’s daughter Giza rocked the Ring in Moscow🎉🚀🍾!!!
AllgemeinToday was a very productive day 🍾🚀🎉!!!
Deyonga Ghani Giza ( CH Nyanagani Nelson Gently x Int.MultiCh Rayridge Dayo Camariya- aka Redy)
21.02.2016 Allrussian dog show CAC (CH RKF, CH OANKOO) „Fauna“
Judge: Nikitin A.
DEYONGA GHANI GIZA – very promising, CW, BOB-baby!!!
Wow, wow, wow!!! It was a cool day!) The debut of our daughter Giza and soooo successful! With an excellent description!) I’m so proud!)
Many thanks to our beloved and best handler Anastasia Kharitonova for a great show!! I was again in seventh heaven!) 😍
And, of course, happy small-birthday our lovely „Deyonga“ G-litter!!! We celebrated this beautiful day!) 6 month old now !!!
Breeder: Elena Vargina