What a show weekend for our team- incredibly 🚀!!!
We had at the 06.02. 108 entries and 07.02. 106 entries with a lot of really wonderful Ridgebacks at all on this fantastic show.
Got the Soul by Luanda- *Cubi* in Junior Class is now Canditat of Junior Champion in the Czech Republic and is qualified for CRUFTS 2017 now !!!
Judge: Šárka Štusáková
06.02.: 13 entries, exc. 1, jCAC
Judge: Olga Dolejsova
07.02.: 13 entries, exc. 2, they have no res. CAC in Czech Republic for the Junior Class
Nyangani Nelson Gently- *Nelly* in Champion Class has closed his title of Champion Czech Republic
Judge: Šárka Štusáková
06.02.: 8 entries, exc. 2, res. CAC
Judge: Olga Dolejsova
07.02.: 13 entries, exc. 1, CAC, Champion of Czech Republic
Our special congrats goes to our team member and sister Lera- her Redy, our beloved wife from Nelson’s first litter, has won on first day the Champion Class, Best Female, Best of Breed, Winner of Group 6 in the Final of Honor Ring – wooooooow❤️❤️❤️!!! And at the next day she is again the winner in Champion Class together with her husband Nelly, Best Female and BOS- OUTSTANDING 🚀🚀🚀!!!
Thank you Nasti for this wonderful job- we loooooooove you sister❤️❤️❤️!!!
All informations about the Show under www.skchr.sk

Wow- new show results from Nelly’s daughter Donya 🍾💥🚀!!!
AllgemeinThat’s was suuuuuper and successful trip to St.Petersburg on 3xCACIB shows!!!))
Deyonga Gaya Monifa- aka Donya ( CH Nyangani Nelson Gently x Int.MultiCh Rayridge Dayo Camariya- aka Redy)
28.02.2016 FCI CACIB show „Baltic triumph“
Judge: Valentina Ivanishcheva
DEYONGA GAYA MONIFA (Donya) – vp.1, CW, BOB-puppy!!
27.02.2016 FCI CACIB show „White nights-2“
Judge: Mrs. Astrid LUNDAVA
DEYONGA GAYA MONIFA (Donya) – vp.1, CW, BOB-puppy!!!
26.02.2016 FCI CACIB show „White nights-1“
Judge: Mrs. Manola POGGESI
DEYONGA GAYA MONIFA (Donya) – vp.1, CW, BOB-puppy!!
Hugo thanks to my friend Ekaterina Soroko for super handling Donya !!!I’m really so so proud! We were very happy to see our daughter, to see her performance and to make a good company!)) That’s was super debut in puppy class for Donya in competition!! Today, we are the heroes of the day ❤️!!!
Breeder: Elena Vargina
One Sensation after another….🍾🚀💥…. Donya’s Show Start🚀
Allgemein🏆Our little pride!!! The first debut and the first success!🏆
06.02.2016 2хCAC shows – „Сascade“ and „Assembly“ clubs
Judges: Людмила Краковская (Russia) & Jasna Matejcic (Croatia)
DEYONGA GAYA MONIFA, 5m (aka Donya) (INT MultiCh RAYRIDGE DAYO CAMARIYA <3 Ch NYANGANI NELSON GENTLY) – 2xVery Promising-1, 2xCW, 2xBest Baby of Breed, BEST IN SHOW Baby – 1 place!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!
Handler: Ekaterina Soroko!! Thaaank you, Katya, for super work!!! <3
I’m so happy… I have no words!!! More words I hasn’t, when on 6th February after Redy’s BOB I called Donya’s owners to know what with their debut on show, and heard that they won BISbaby-1!!!! It was a super day for all!!! On this weekends 06-07.02.2016 our super family has:
Nelson – CAC, Czech CH!
Redy – 2xCACIB, BOS, BOB, BIG-1, Czech CH, INT CH!
Their daughter Donya – 2xBOBbaby, BISbaby-1!!!!!
WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Web-site our „DEYONGA“ kennel: http://deyonga.ru/
Breeder: Elena Vargina
We are in Heaven 🍾🎉👍…Double CACIB Brno 2016
AllgemeinWhat a show weekend for our team- incredibly 🚀!!!
We had at the 06.02. 108 entries and 07.02. 106 entries with a lot of really wonderful Ridgebacks at all on this fantastic show.
Got the Soul by Luanda- *Cubi* in Junior Class is now Canditat of Junior Champion in the Czech Republic and is qualified for CRUFTS 2017 now !!!
Judge: Šárka Štusáková
06.02.: 13 entries, exc. 1, jCAC
Judge: Olga Dolejsova
07.02.: 13 entries, exc. 2, they have no res. CAC in Czech Republic for the Junior Class
Nyangani Nelson Gently- *Nelly* in Champion Class has closed his title of Champion Czech Republic
Judge: Šárka Štusáková
06.02.: 8 entries, exc. 2, res. CAC
Judge: Olga Dolejsova
07.02.: 13 entries, exc. 1, CAC, Champion of Czech Republic
Our special congrats goes to our team member and sister Lera- her Redy, our beloved wife from Nelson’s first litter, has won on first day the Champion Class, Best Female, Best of Breed, Winner of Group 6 in the Final of Honor Ring – wooooooow❤️❤️❤️!!! And at the next day she is again the winner in Champion Class together with her husband Nelly, Best Female and BOS- OUTSTANDING 🚀🚀🚀!!!
Thank you Nasti for this wonderful job- we loooooooove you sister❤️❤️❤️!!!
All informations about the Show under www.skchr.sk
Fantastic offsprings ❤️❤️❤️….
AllgemeinWow, Wow, Wow……❤️❤️❤️!!!
Our offspring in show training with Nasti ❤️…
Deyonga Gandi Bokary- aka Kaya *Germany D.O.B. 21.08.2015
Ch Nyangani Nelson Gently / Multi Ch Rayridge Dayo Camariya- Redy
The proud grandpa ❤️❤️❤️…
Woooow- Babies from Nelly in the age of 5 month now !!!
AllgemeinWe are very, very proud to see our puppies in show trainig with Nasti, they look fantastic !!!
Soon it is so far- 200 million small Nelly‘ s are on their way to California…
AllgemeinWe are looking sooo much forward to this outstanding litter from our beloved friend Cindy McKnight and her beautiful Zuka 😘!!!
Please cross all your fingers 🍀🍀🍀!!!
Frozen semen from Ch Nyangani Nelson Gently is available !!!
Wurfplanung Udako/ Litter Plan Udako ❤️❤️❤️
AllgemeinWir sind überglücklich Euch heute mitteilen zu können, dass sich unsere liebe Freundin, Lea Kratzer, wieder für unseren Big Brownie als Papa für ihren E- Wurf entschieden hat !!!
Udako Amarula ist nicht nur eine wahnsinngig hübsche, sondern auch charakterlich tolle Hündin. Durch diese Verpaarung führen wir alte afrikanische Linien, wie Pronkberg und Glenaholm zusammen, sie haben maßgeblich die Zucht des Rhodesian Ridgeback beeinflusst.
Wir wünschen uns gesunde, knochenstarke und aufgeweckte Welpen aus dieser wundervollen Verpaarung und hoffen darauf, dass Ihr uns hierzu alle Däumchen drückt 😘!!!
We proudly present our next mating with CH Udako Amarula. Our beloved friend, Lea Kratzer, has chosen again our Big Brownie as daddy for her E- litter.
Amarula is a fantastic female, as well she has a brilliant character. With this combination, we peform again old african bloodlines, like Pronkberg and Glenaholm together.
Please cross all fingers for this wonderful mating 😘!!!
For more informations visit www.udako.de
Familientreffen mit UDAKO am 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag ❤️❤️❤️!!!
AllgemeinWas soll ich sagen, natürlich waren wir Feuer und Flamme, als wir beschlossen haben diesen Tag gemeinsam zu verbringen! Schließlich hatten wir dieses Jahr ein liebevolles Projekt zur Welt gebracht und eine wunderhübsche Fußballmannschaft geboren ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Als dann Lea endlich zur Mittagszeit eingetroffen ist, waren wir erstmal mit den „Monstern“ ausgiebig Spazieren. Darauf folgte ein wirklich schöner, gemütlicher Abend an dem wir alles Erlebte nochmal Revue passiert haben lassen.
Schön war’s- Lea und ihr Rudel ist einfach in unserem Herzen ❤️!!!
Merry x- mas and a happy new year for all of you ❤️❤️❤️!!!
AllgemeinThe Groh family from K O K A Y i Ridgebacks wish all our friends merry x- mas and a very happy new year ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Silke, Markus, Lina, Nelly & Cubi😘😘😘 !!!
Thank you Valeria Yurtaeva for this fantastic picture ❤️❤️❤️👍!!!
Мы желаем всем нашим русским друзьям счастливого рождества и нового года 😘😘😘 !!!
Nelson’s show trip to Lithuania double Cacib show 19.12. – 20.12.2015
Allgemein******* Double CACIB Show Lithuania ********
After a long, long journey from Vilnius my beloved wife Silke is finally arrived back home with wonderful show results ❤️ !!!
In a really strong competition Nyangani Nelson Gently DOB 15.04.2013 has gained fantastic results in the Championclass both days:
19.12.2015 Vilnius Winter: exc. 2 + res. CACIB, 6 entries, Judge Mrs. K. Butrimova (Lithuania)
20.12.2015 Christmas Cup : exc. 3, 6 entries, Judge Mr. R. de Santiago (Puerto Rico)
Our big congrats go to Ines Rostock for winning both days the open class and a res. CACIB with Nayangani Luanga👏👍!!!
Many thanks to our beloved sister and handler Anastasia Kharitonova ❤️❤️❤️ !!!
We wish all of you merry x- mas and a happy new year😘🍀👍!!!