Silke Groh
21337 Lüneburg
Tel.: +49 (0) 170 / 450 67 46
Email: info@kokayi.de
Markus Groh
Tel.: +49 (0) 160 / 911 00 118
- Merry X-Mas & a happy new Year to all of you ❤️❤️❤️!!! 21. Dezember 2020
- Cubi rocked it all !!! 19. November 2019
- What a Weekend ❤️❤️❤️!!! 10. November 2019
What a X-mas present ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AllgemeinThis morning we‘ ve got wonderful news from our beloved friend Irena Hofferkova ❤️with her Silesian Harta Kennel❤️❤️❤️. Abaya´ s pregnancy is confirmend and we will expect the puppies for Christmas ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Yipiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhh 🚀🍾🎉💥❤️❤️❤️ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Big, Boom, Bang- Danube Duo CACIB Bratislava 🚀🏆🍾💥👍!!!
AllgemeinWhat an amazing weekend for our KOKAYI boys again ❤️🏆🍾🎉💥🚀!!!
At the 05.11.2016 Nelly has won his Championclass with CAC, res. CACIB and was 2nd Best Male. One day later our small Cubi has won his Intermediate Class, was Best Male, gained a CACIB and was BOS- just fantastic 🏆🏆🏆!!!
Ein fabelhaftes Weihnachtsgeschenk ❤️❤️❤️!!!
AllgemeinWeihnachtsaktion bis 15.12. :
„Wie kommt der Löwenhund aufs Sofa“ – portofrei und mit Wunsch-Signatur
Unter der Katergorie News findet Ihr einen Button Petra Stracke Verlag, dort einfach klicken und Ihr werdet direkt zur Bestellung weiter geleitet !!!
Es lohnt sich über alles ❤️❤️❤️!!!
What a weekend for our KOKAYi boys again 👻🚀☀️🏆 ……..
Allgemein3 starts- two wins and one second place….. thank you sooo much my beloved sister Anastasia Kharitonova
15.10.16 Bundessieger Show Dortmund
Judge: Mr. Martin Klopsch
Got the Soul by Luanda- Cubi
(Int.MultiCh Kadamo it’s Now or Never x Int.MultiCh Alexis Femme Fatale)
D.O.B. 02.03.15
Breeder: Milada Krchnava
Intermediate Class:
– excellent 1
– 2 x CAC VDH
– res. CACIB
– 2nd Best Male
17.10.16 IDS Dortmund
Judge: Mrs. Marjon Eshuis- Franke
Got the Soul by Luanda- Cubi
Intermediate Class:
– excellent 2, res. CAC VDH
Nyangani Nelson Gently- Nelly
(Eastwood Frenchman de Kiungwana x Nyangani Diketi)
D.O.B. 15.04.13
Breeder: Silvio Böhmer
Champion Class:
– excellent 1, CAC VDH
Many congrats to all other participants and winners
Cubi passed his breeding examination in DZRR 😎🏆🚀🍾💥❤️!!!
AllgemeinThe time flies by……… 😱😱😱it seems to me like yesterday, when we picked up our small Cubi Baby at Milada’s place………. and today we very proudly present, that he passed with my beloved wife Silke Groh his Breeding Examination under the wonderful judgement of Petra Stracke in our Club DZRR and is now an official Stud Dog 😎🍾💥❤️!!!
Thank you Milada Krchnava, Šárka Štusáková and Anastasia Kharitonova- we love you for all that, what you have done for us 😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️!!!
Congratulations to all other participants 🍾🍾🍾!!!
We are soooo proud- Nelly’s and Dinari’s puppies are born ❤️❤️❤️!!!
AllgemeinWe are so happy, 10 wonderful and healthy babies from Dinari are on the world now ❤️❤️❤️!!! Our friend Jeannine from Wakina Kennel did a fantastic job and has taken so beloved care of our mummy Dinari and her puppies ❤️👍❤️👍❤️👍!!!
Just wonderful ……❤️❤️❤️!!!
More informations: www.wakina-dini.ch
Nelly’s daughter Kaya is a new Junior Champion of Luxembourg🏆🏆🏆!!!
AllgemeinOur daughter conquered the ring in Junior class!!! <3 😍
10.09.2016 International Dog Show Luxembourg (CACIB)
Judge: Mr.Staf Van den Boschh
DEYONGA GANDI BOKARY, aka Kaya (d.o.b. 21.08.2015)
(CH Nyangani Nelson Gently *Nelly* х INT Multi CH Rayridge Dayo Camariya *Redy*)
Junior class:
Exl.1, CW, jCAC aaaaaaand – JUNIOR CHAMPION OF LUXEMBOURG & Benelux Junior Winner 2016!!! Wow!!!
I’m so so soooo happy!) Only at 1 year old Kaya won this title! 😍😍😍
CongratulatiSven Herrendorfdorf Brigitte CarlCarl!))) You should be soooo proud ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Kennel DEYONGA, Moscow!!!

Cuuuuuuuuuuuubi rocked the ring 🍾🏆😎🚀🎉!!!
AllgemeinWhat a day again for our KOKAYI boys 🚀🏆👍😎😱!!!
International Dog Show Luxembourg 10.09.2016
Judge: Mr. Staf Van den Bosch
Nelson gained a fantastic excellent 3 in a strong Champion Class 👍❤️😎😱….
AND ……….
Got the Soul by Luanda- Cuuubi ❤️❤️❤️❤️
D.O.B. 02.03.2015
(Int.Multi CH Kadamo it’s Now or Never x Int.Multi CH Alexis Femme Fatale Luanda)
Breeder: Milada Krchnava
Intermediate Class:
Excellent 1 CAC
Best Male CACIB
Best of Breed
Benelux Winner 2016
Best in Group 6- the 2nd place out of 16 Breeds 😱😱😱!!!
Anastasia Kharitonova – we looooove you sister ❤️❤️❤️!!!
EDS 2016- Cubi did it and was in the final of Best Juniors in Group 6 with a fantastic 3rd Place 🚀😎🍾🎉❤️!!!
AllgemeinEDS Brussels- Cubi is EUROPEAN JUNIOR WINNER 2016 🍾💥🏆🚀!!!
AllgemeinWe are still without any words………just faaaaaaaantatsic……….. Cuuuuuuubi DID IT 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀!!!
26.08.2016 EDS Brussels
Judge: Mr. Luis Pinto Teixera/ Best Juniors in Group 6: Mr. Jean Pierre Achtergael
Got the Soul by Luanda- it’s Cubi ❤️❤️❤️